Parcel Lost Coverage (PLC) Insurance Request

Bill To Company:
Ship To Country:
Planned Shipping Date:
Carrier Tracking No:
Parcel Weight & Count: Lb / Count:
Shipment Description:
Insured Value (US$):
Please enter numeric values only, leave out commas, spaces, and special characters.

*Insurance Premium: .

  *May take up to 2 minutes to generate a policy.  
How To Purchase PLC Insurance:
  1. Generate carrier shipping labels with tracking number.
  2. Calculate PLC Insurance premium here.
  3. If accept the premium, complete the form with your shipment data.
  4. Submit the application.
  5. It may take up to 2 minutes to generate a policy number.
  6. GPA will review the application upon receiving your submission.
  7. Upon approval, premium invoice will be emailed to you.
  8. Read terms & conditions on invoice, and be sure to pay the invoice at least 30 minutes before the shipment is picked up by carrier.
  9. If declined, a notification will be emailed to you.  You may choose to ship without PLC insurance.

Scope Of PLC Insurance Coverage

How To File A PLC Insurance Claim


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